Sunday, July 25, 2010

Table Rock

Last Friday (July 16th) Philip and I went and camped for the night with Rob and Tara Ashley and Tyler and Kim Christensen (John and Ellen's son and daughter-in-law). Rob and Tara's son Sam and his friend also came and so did Avery, Tyler and Kim's daughter.

Saturday, we hiked up Table Rock. It took us 11.5 hours to get up there and back. The hike was 6 miles each way and 1 mile up. Of course we did take some stops. A lot more on the way up there then on the way back. Zoey went with us of course. Tyler and Philip were a little unsure whether or not she could make it, but I knew better. :)

Looking at the map at the trail head.

The meadow at the beginning of the hike.

Zoey and Sonny (Tyler and Kim's dog) leading the way.
Sonny is 3/4 Lab and 1/4 German Shepherd.

We had to cross 3 rivers. This is after we crossed river number 1. Philip's feet were so red because the water was really cold. It's hard to tell in the picture though.

We saw so many rivers, streams, and waterfalls from all the melting snow.

This was the point of the hike where Tyler pointed out the little knob in the center of the picture behind the trees. "That is where we're going," he told us. Philip and I were like there is no possible way we are going to make it there and back in a day.

One of the waterfalls we saw.


Stopping for a break. Zoey is on the left and Sonny is on the right.

View of Table Rock way up there.

When we got a little higher, we were able to see the top of the Grand Teton peaking out.

More snow. It was a strange feeling hiking through all this cold snow with the sleeves of your t-shirt rolled up because it was warm.

Zoey absolutely LOVED the snow! She was so funny too. She'd roll around in it and the push herself so her back legs were completely behind her and then scoot across the snow. She also would catch snowballs in her mouth Philip would toss to her.

Philip and Zoey on top of the ridge we crossed to get to Table Rock.

This wave of snow was so cool!

Philip and Zoey following the really steep scary trail we took at the top of the ridge. We came back a different way.

Zoey in the snow again with her back legs sticking out.

After we went through all this snow, we came to a field of huge rocks. Table Rock is straight ahead.

This is a view behind us showing how far we hiked along the ridge.

The Tetons from the top of Table Rock. Supposedly it is the prettiest view in all of Wyoming and Idaho.

More views from the top.

The ridge we crossed.

This is called Battleship Ridge. I think it's one of the coolest ridges I've ever seen.

Zoey with Sam and his friend Wells.

Philip took hold of the camera at this point. This is me on my way down from Table Rock with Battleship Ridge in the distance.

Starting to get to the field of rocks with Table Rock in the background.

Had to add a rock to the pile.

Huge rock field. The field was big and the rocks were big.

View of the ridge and the valley.


This was the path we opted to take instead of that other really creepy trail. It reminded me too much of the mountain we fell down.

Tetons and Table Rock

Zoey and me in the snow.

Heading down to the valley.

Another waterfall.

Crossing the first river on the way back. Over the course of the day, the river rose considerably and was a lot faster. We were able to put a few logs down to cross over.

This was river number two. There were some big rocks in the middle that stood out of the water when we first crossed it. They were covered going back. I slipped in this river when I was almost to the other side. I got all wet. It wasn't too fun.

The last river we had to cross. Zoey almost got swept away when she was crossing this one. She got to the side though and was scared to try going across again. Philip was in the middle of the river and was calling to her. So she jumped as far as she could jump. It was really very cute, but scary at the same time. They both made it safe and sound. :)

Going through the meadow again.

There were some beautiful wildflowers in the meadow.

Aspen trees.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but this tree was axed down. Philip and I joked that Russ must have been here. :)

Back at camp.

Zoey with her food.

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