Sunday, July 25, 2010

Idaho Falls Air Show

This Friday Aunt Jan and Jessie came with Branson, Rayah, Deysi, and Kale. I went shopping with them while Philip was at work. They introduced me to Maurice's which actually had long denim skirts! Shopping with them was a nice break from slaving over Calculus.

Saturday, we all went to the Idaho Falls air show. This year the show featured the Blue Angels. It was really cool watching them.

This is the B2 Stealth Bomber. It was so quiet! The design makes it look like a UFO. If I was to become a pilot, I would want to fly one of these!

The Blue Angels.

A really cool looking Army Fire Engine. Apparently it can only go around 400 miles on a 150 (or something crazy like that) gallon tank! Our tax dollars hard at work. ;)

I'm not very good at helicopters, but I think this is an Apache. My dad or Steven can correct me if I'm wrong.

This is a Black Hawk. My daddy flew something similar to this when he was in the Navy.

Front of the Black Hawk.

The Apache's missiles

This is what the police drive around in Idaho Falls. I'm now thinking about becoming a police officer. :P

Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers heard about the air show and wanted to see about some weapons upgrades for the Deathstar.

The airplane even felt like smiling for this pic. :)

Tiny little helicopter.

Trick plane. We saw this plane again later except with the pilot's wife wing-walking.

The Fury. This is the only one in flying condition today.

Fury and two Russian migs. It was so funny how the announcer started this part of the show. He came on and said, "Here is a recreation of an event that never took place." It was a demonstration of the kind of fighting that might have taken place during the cold war.

More of the Fury and Russian migs.


P-51 Mustang (WWII plane) and F-16 flying together. They called this the heritage flight.

Trick plane again with wing-walker.

Fat Albert! I love the name of this plane. It's with the Blue Angels and carries their fuel and crew and whatever else they need. Albert did a little demonstration for us before the Blue Angels took the air.

Front of Fat Albert.

Blue Angel #1

Taxiing down the runway.

Two of the four were upside-down in this pic.

I can't get over how close they are to each other!

Really neat smoke stream after they broke off.

Yay! I'm all caught up with my posting as of now. :) This week I will be studying Calculus. A week from Monday is my final exam. I can't wait for it to be all over. Bart and Samantha invited Philip and me to go whitewater rafting with them next Saturday. I am really hoping enough of my Calculus will be done that we can go! Wish me luck!


  1. I noticed that when you mentioned the pilot's wife wing-walked, you did NOT say you wanted to be a pilot's wife! An omission? Good luck with the math class!

  2. Wow - you got some good pictures with your broken camera! I made a disc for you, hope to see you tomorrow or else I'll leave it in the camper.

  3. I do not think I want to be a pilot's wife. I'd rather be the pilot. :P

    Thank you so much for making me a CD! I really hope we can see you tomorrow. I don't think we'll be able to go to May.
