Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Jagielski's Visit!

I apologize for the lack of posts. I have been trying to work on my online Business Calculus class. Thankfully, I only have one more week left! But, I have tons of work I have to get done in that week. A couple of weeks ago, Philip's family came and visited us! It was so nice to get to show them around Idaho Falls. So we left off at the 4th of July weekend. This starts the Monday after (July 5th). So Monday we showed the Jagielski's around Idaho Falls. We took a walk around the river downtown and saw the falls for which Idaho Falls was named after.

We also walked around downtown. We made sure we went to Great Harvest Bread Co. and Melaleuca. We ate lunch at Snake Bite. It's only open a few days a week, but they have terrific hamburgers!

This was a bench outside the restaurant. Only Mike and I were daring enough to pretend it was a real skateboard.

Tuesday, John took us bike riding down a trail of an old railroad bed. Funny enough, it was called rails and trails. :)

Here's the start out group.

Crossing a trestle.

More of the trail. I think that was when Philip was texting me. I was driving John's truck at that point. It's a huge diesel truck. Pretty sweet. I felt dangerous. Haha.

Thursday, we went to Jackson to spend some time there. On our way, we stopped by Falls Creek Falls. They were gorgeous!

Thursday night, we went to Bar J Ranch in Jackson. It's basically a dinner and a show. There were four cowboys that sang and played instruments. It was awesome! I highly recommend this to anyone who comes through Jackson.

This was the building we ate in and watched the show. I love all the boots decorating the walls and rafters.

Here was our table.

Philip is really happy about his food.

My plate. It was neat. They tried to recreate as best as they could what a typical meal would be on a cattle drive.

Two sweet girls! :)

Using the buddy system.

Playing Phase 10 dice.

Friday, we went to Jenny lake. We hiked halfway across the lake and then hiked up to hidden falls and inspiration point.

View of the Tetons on our way to Jenny Lake.

My lake's visitor center.

The red arrow is Jenny lake.

The Grand Teton.

My lake!

Showing how clear the water was.

The attack of the humongous ants!

Family photo op.

Apparently this is funny. At least it made Rachel laugh.

Hiking around the lake.

Rachel and me.

All of us minus Aunt Jan who was taking the picture.

Hidden Falls. At first I asked if this was it. I thought Hidden Falls meant there were many different hidden falls. But no, it's only one waterfall.

My lake!

Rachel and I sporting Grand Teton National Park hats.