Monday, August 9, 2010


Saturday Philip, Zoey and I went to Yellowstone for the day. We drove the lower loop. Unfortunately the last half of the trip, I had a horrible migraine so I couldn't concentrate much on what we were seeing. :( I really want to go back sometime.

Zoey in the car


Cool stuff. I really have no idea what this is. I just like the colors.

Closer view. It was bubbling at the bottom.

Jelly Geyser

Old Faithful. It was really incredible.

Deer way back in the forest. All you can really see is the antlers and head.

Momma elk and babies.

The Bison were hilarious. One almost looked like it was going to charge our car and then they got on the road and surrounded our car.

Bison on the road.

A park ranger finally got in his car and came running and honking his horn to get them to move. The babies went running away, but their was a really stubborn bull that just looked at the guy and stuck his tongue out at him. It was probably the funniest thing we saw the whole trip.

Dragon Spring

Artist Point. The colors of the canyon were unreal! I don't think any camera can capture the beauty of this canyon. This is also called the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

Upper Falls in Artist Point

Close up

Philip and I got tired of driving so Zoey took the wheel.

Artist's Paint Pots

More Artist's Paint Pots

Herbie the Love Bug was there!

Today I've been starting to pack our stuff up to head home. It's hard to believe the summer is almost over. This may be one of my last posts! Thanks so much for reading!

1 comment:

  1. hey i liked your pics of yellowstone. we went there last summer so you could check mine out on facebook too
