So two weekends ago we really didn't do anything but chill, do laundry, and mow the lawn. I didn't think you guys would be too interested in hearing about all that.
One thing Philip and I have really enjoyed in Idaho are the sunsets behind the open fields and mountains. So here are a couple pictures of two nights we had the privilege of seeing.

Philip isn't going to want to use a push mower after using this. It makes the work a little bit easier. One funny thing that happened was Philip asked me to help him mow so I sat on his lap and we mowed together. And then this guy stopped by seeing if we knew this family who was hosting a wedding that day because he was delivering food. He must have thought we were two weirdos...
Last weekend we went to Riverton, Utah for convention. It is just south of Salt Lake City. Sara also came! She flew in Friday, June 18 into Salt Lake City International. It was so nice to share part of a convention with her. We heard some wonderful things and got to meet some more people. Philip loved that one day they served taco salad for lunch or dinner and they had donuts during snack time.
Another thing I learned is that Cottonwood trees do not like me. They really messed with my allergies. So I don't really like Cottonwood trees either.
Riverton was also the smallest convention I had ever been to. There were maybe between 300-400 people there. It was a really great experience.

Philip and I saw a double rainbow on our way to Riverton. At one point, we actually got to see the entire arch, but I couldn't fit it all in the camera screen. This was the best picture I got of it. I couldn't believe how vivid it was.

Mountain view from convention grounds.

Random horsey. I like how this picture turned out.

Sara wasn't feeling well enough to finish our walk so I picked these wildflowers for her to make her feel better. I thought they were so beautiful so I had to take a picture of them.

Sara & Jenn!!

More of the pretty mountains. On our way back to Idaho Falls.

I was so glad Sara came back with us to see Idaho Falls and to meet John and Ellen. We went out to dinner at Jaker's which is a steak and fishhouse. It was AMAZING! Sara and I split the seafood linguine with a pear and pecan salad.
John took this from his blackberry.

Us being super silly. I was the eyes and Sara was the mouth. Yay! I actually really love this picture.

Sara modelling with our mud pie. We had no idea how MASSIVE this was going to be. And they say everything is bigger in Texas. I would hate to see a Texas sized mud pie.
So then Monday, Ellen and I took Sara back to Salt Lake to the airport. After we dropped her off, Ellen and I took a look around Salt Lake City since I hadn't had a chance to look around. It's not much different than Dallas except for the mountains. And I think Dallas is much prettier. We did have fun looking through stores. Ellen had some wonderful luck. On our way back to I.F., we stopped and had lunch at Marie Callender's.
The rest of our week has been pretty standard. I'm working on schoolwork and Philip is working. He had training this week so INL fed him. He's bummed out that tomorrow he'll actually have to spend the time to pack his lunch. I have one more week of english! And then the day after english is over, math begins. Our prof for math claims we will have to spend 6-8 hours a day on her course. I really hope that isn't the case. I'm crossing my fingers all this business calculus will come easy to me.
Well that's about it. Till next time!