Philip started his job today at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He seems to think he'll like it. He said he sure got spoiled at Bell with his own cubicle. Here they put all their interns in a conference room, but they give them a little more freedom with the resources they use (ex: if they prefer to program using a Linux operating system, etc.).
After he got home, we went out and got his computer a new wireless card. It looks like I will be using Philip's computer until we decide on a new computer for me.
Yes, I will have to get a new computer. Philip and I have been researching what could be wrong and it looks like my type of laptop has a history of the graphics card overheating and frying the motherboard. I'm hoping we can save my pictures and documents. I would really hate to lose them. :( I think I will veer away from the laptops this time and look into a desktop. I am leaning towards the HP Pavilion Slimline. Either that, or Philip said he would build me a computer.
The weather has been pretty crazy so far. Friday the wind was blowing at 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. Basically, it wasn't a good hair day. Saturday we had snow and then it got sunny and then it got windy and there may have been some rain and more snow mixed into that. I don't think the weather could make up its mind that day.
Yesterday, we road with John and Ellen to meeting and went by the grocery store to get ingredients to make lunch. Philip and I made them black-eyed peas with kale and sopapilla cheesecake. They had never had black-eyed peas before and really liked them. We also introduced them to Arriba! fire-roasted salsa. After lunch, they showed us around Idaho Falls. We walked a two mile walk around the falls and then we drove around for probably two hours. John was showing us all the great bike routes. He took us up into some of the nearby hills and we got to see one of those giant windmills up close. They were a little intimidating especially seeing how big the blades are when they pass us on the highway. We also saw a bald eagle! It dove down and caught a fish in the river next to the road.
I also finally got some pictures uploaded onto Philip's computer of our second day of driving and some of Idaho. So here they are!
Philip at the wheel
Snow banks in Wyoming
Beautiful mountains
I think our car looks so pretty with the mountains behind it
This is outside the trailor when it started snowing Saturday
Surprisingly enough this is what it looked like 10-15 minutes later
And then it looked like this maybe an hour or two later
Some geese and goslings taking a swim
Lots and lots of goslings!
I really liked this Corvette's paint job
The Idaho Falls of Idaho Falls, ID
Super crazy windmill. Whenever I see these, I think of Don Quixote.